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n. 1 A valve used to turn off something. 2 The act of turning off something.

Usage examples of "shutoff".

I have attempted to discern which outward physical manifestations advertise the precise shutoff of vital systems.

Though this research is in the formative stage, I am encouraged by what appears to be a dual manifestation of cardiac and neurological shutoff typified by simultaneous twitchlike movement of the eyes combined with a measurable slackening of the lips.

Snapping around in the tumbled bed, he slammed a violent palm against the shutoff and collapsed, eyes screwed tight against the rising lights.

None of them worked--until he remembered the cancel command to an emergency shutoff sequence.

Each of the side hatches was less than man-high and was surrounded by a battery of remote operating steam-valve wheels, emergency fuel shutoff handles, and emergency communications ports.

A certain signal, broadcast on a certain frequency, was supposed to trigger instant shutoff in the nanodevices.

The shutoff valve had been frozen and I had had to turn the water off at the main.

The automatic shutoff sequence in its coding had switched off, and it had dissolved the entire world.

Sometimes he felt like an old machine whose automatic shutoff had frozen years back.

There would be a shutoff sWitch somewhere at both ends of the passage, but it was too late to look for it now.

However, if anyone had been there watching, they would have seen the control knob for the emergency manual shutoff begin to turn slowly, slowly, ever so slowly, as if by itself.

Catardi had pulled out the piping manual for the DSV and checked the oxygen system, hoping for a shutoff valve between banks for the command module and the larger cargo module, and to his joy, there was a cross-connect shutoff.

The Brick obliged, hoisting Mary to his shoulders, and there she balanced to just reach the shutoff switches, and little by little the Empress evened out, and settled, and looked not quite so much like a drunken dowager with her skirts over her head.

And there were built-in shutoffs if the emotional surge threatened body-health.

A quick study of the door and the inset symbols and Bart recognized the same code that opened the Second Chamber, where the shutoff for the dampening field had been.