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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shug \Shug\, v. i. [Cf. Shrug.]

  1. To writhe the body so as to produce friction against one's clothes, as do those who have the itch. [Prov. Eng.]

  2. Hence, to crawl; to sneak. [Obs.]

    There I 'll shug in and get a noble countenance.


vb. 1 (context UK dialect obsolete English) To writhe the body so as to produce friction against one's clothes, as do those who have the itch. 2 (context UK dialect obsolete English) To crawl; to sneak.

Usage examples of "shug".

The fact that Celie feels safe enough to say anything to Shug represents a breakthrough for her.

At the great cross with Piccadilly it made the turn that would angle it up Shug Lane toward Golden Square.

He recognised the basic creakings, but the subtle nuances of the scranchings and the endulating shugs had him cocking his head upon one side.

It worried him, because now there was nothing to stop him raising two fingers to the shade of Wee Shug McAnally, a man not exactly universally mourned, and get on with some serious bevvying instead.

The kid had also hired on with Shug because the master mechanic was upgrading the hyperdrives on many of the Desilijic smuggling ves-sels.