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n. (plural of shrub English)

Usage examples of "shrubs".

The bulbs may be divided every three years with advantage, and may be usefully planted in lines in front of shrubs, or mixed with other strong-growing flowers, such as alkanets, lupins, and foxgloves.

I had wanted to cut some shrubs and make a barbecue pit, the way my grandfather used to make it, lined with green branches and leaves and sealed with dirt, but don Juan said that there was no need to injure the shrubs, since we had already injured the quail.

He said that it, the wind or whatever, was like a cloud or a whorl that was quite a ways above the shrubs, twirling its way to the hilltop where we were.

He threw the roof into the shrubs and tossed all the rocks, one by one, over the side.

All I could distinguish was the dark mass of shrubs, or perhaps small trees.

I heard the sound of a heavy body crashing into the shrubs and then an eerie outcry.

In the partial shade of shrubs it not only flowers well but proves very effective.

Many things in the way of deciduous flowering shrubs may be grown with them, their bareness in winter and shade during summer favouring their enjoyment and growth.

The habit of the shrub, from its dense and flattened foliage, fine colour, and persistent nature, together with its dwarfness and rooting faculty, all go to render it one of the finest rock shrubs for winter effect.

The plants lift well, carrying a good ball that facilitates their being placed in pots even when in bloom, when, as I have lately seen, they may be used in a most telling manner with potted shrubs in large halls, corridors, and public buildings.

Among low shrubs, or with other tall things, will prove suitable quarters for it.

These two genera are, perhaps, the best hardy flowering shrubs we possess for planting in the shade of trees.

Not only is this wholly distinct from its relatives, but it is one of the most useful flowers and evergreen shrubs which can be introduced to a garden.

June, no better quarters can be given than under the shade of shrubs, where the soil is sandy loam.

There are many fine flowering shrubs, but they do not gain the esteem in which this is held.