The Collaborative International Dictionary
Shrove \Shrove\, imp. of Shrive.
Shrove Sunday, Quinguagesima Sunday.
Shrove Tuesday, the Tuesday following Quinguagesima Sunday, and preceding the first day of Lent, or Ash Wednesday.
Note: It was formerly customary in England, on this day, for
the people to confess their sins to their parish
priests, after which they dined on pancakes, or
fritters, and the occasion became one of merriment. The
bell rung on this day is popularly called Pancake Bell,
and the day itself Pancake Tuesday.
--P. Cyc.
Quinquagesima \Quin`qua*ges"i*ma\, a. [L., fr. quinquagesimus the fiftieth, akin to quinquaginta fifty, quinque five. See Five.] Fiftieth.
Quinquagesima Sunday, the Sunday which is the fiftieth day before Easter, both days being included in the reckoning; -- called also Shrove Sunday.