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The Collaborative International Dictionary

shrink-wrap \shrink"-wrap\, shrinkwrap \shrink"wrap\ (shr[i^][ng]k"r[a^]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. shrink-wrapped or shrink"wrapped (shr[i^][ng]k"r[a^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. shrink"wrapping or shrink"-wrapping.] to wrap and seal (an object for sale) in a transparent sheet of plastic material that is shrunken to a tight-fitting wrapping by the application of heat.


shrink-wrap \shrink"-wrap\, shrinkwrap \shrink"wrap\, n. a type of plastic film, usually transparent, that shrinks upon application of heat, and may be used to form a wrapping around objects that fits tightly and closely follows the contours of the wrapped object; -- also called shrink-pack, shrinkpack or shrink-wrapping.


alt. A protective wrapping made from clear plastic film that is shrunk onto an object by heat n. A protective wrapping made from clear plastic film that is shrunk onto an object by heat vb. To wrap an article in shrinkwrap.


v. wrap something tightly with heated plastic that shrinks upon cooling; "shrinkwrap the CDs"

Usage examples of "shrinkwrap".

He peeled away the last opaque shrinkwrapping to display his purchase: a foot-high solido of a lovely young woman, every feature sharply delineated in the fragile prismatic carving.

Stems from sections of tiedown cable, petals from various types of shrinkwrap and packing seals.