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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shrievalty \Shriev"al*ty\, n. [Contr. from sheriffalty. See Shrieve, n. Sheriff.] The office, or sphere of jurisdiction, of a sheriff; sheriffalty.

It was ordained by 28 Edward I that the people shall have election of sheriff in every shire where the shrievalty is not of inheritance.


n. The office, jurisdiction, or tenure of a sheriff

Usage examples of "shrievalty".

Colonel Hatherence of the Mercatorial Military-Religious Order the Shrievalty Ocula, an oerileithe.

Seers were really Navarchy, Cessoria and Shrievalty scouts - spies, if you wanted to be blunt about it - searching for Fassin Taak, searching for the also-disappeared Dweller called Valseir, searching for any sign of those weapons used against the Mercatorial forces during the battle in the GasClipper storm race and searching too for any hints or traces of the Dweller List and anything remotely associated with it - so far, admittedly, all completely without success.

He rode to the august structure of retributive Themis, as the French call a gallows, in all the pride and pomp of shrievalty, and with a splendid retinue of well-equipped knaves and varlets, as our ancestors called honest serving-men.