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n. (plural of showboat English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: showboat)

Usage examples of "showboats".

Just one of the fabulous lattice ship showboats had ever come to Nikkeldepain in his youth.

I know the world of the lattice showboats is where every kid in the galaxy thinks they'll run away to, but the truth is they want the showboats and not Vaudevillia.

Even the showboats don't land here more often than they really need to.

Besides, the showboats had a long tradition of taking care of their own—even people not as well-liked as Kanchen was by virtually everyone in the company and crew.

Lattice ships aren't cheap to operate, and most of the showboats get into financial trouble sooner or later.

Gil Rossignol was his namea name to set you thinking of the French quarter of New Orleans and showboats, of cabaret and gamblers with concealed derringersexcept that Rossignol's raw T-bone bulk contradicted this image flatly.

They weren't showboats, never sought attention within the NSA, just kept their heads down and turned out consistently impressive work.

Maybe they were showboats, the breed of cops who liked to kill in public, where everybody could see.