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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shove \Shove\ (sh[u^]v), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Shoved (sh[u^]vd); p. pr. & vb. n. Shoving.] [OE. shoven, AS. scofian, fr. sc[=u]fan; akin to OFries. sk[=u]va, D. schuiven, G. schieben, OHG. scioban, Icel. sk[=u]fa, sk[=y]fa, Sw. skuffa, Dan. skuffe, Goth. afskiuban to put away, cast away; cf. Skr. kshubh to become agitated, to quake, Lith. skubrus quick, skubinti to hasten. [root]160. Cf. Sheaf a bundle of stalks, Scoop, Scuffle.]

  1. To drive along by the direct and continuous application of strength; to push; especially, to push (a body) so as to make it move along the surface of another body; as, to shove a boat on the water; to shove a table across the floor.

  2. To push along, aside, or away, in a careless or rude manner; to jostle.

    And shove away the worthy bidden guest.

    He used to shove and elbow his fellow servants.


n. The act of one who shoves. vb. (present participle of shove English)

Usage examples of "shoving".

It had just occurred to him that Tom Too might have become alarmed and slain the three captives, shoving their bodies overboard.

In a moment the paddles were dipping with machinelike regularity, shoving the crude craft forward at a fair clip.

I thought of different replies to that, communicative things like shoving fistfuls of gagga raisins down his throat.

I saw Ian glance at Jamie and draw himself up as though about to speak, but Jamie had already turned toward the harbor and was shoving his way through the crowd.

She could hear the answering smile in his voice, and eased herself back against the pillows, shoving tangles of hair out of her eyes, slowly adjusting to the here and now.

Arruth moved farther from her, shoving her feet against the floor to push herself into a corner.

There was this pain in my head like someone was trying to get in or shoving a blade between my eyes and then Wrathscar grabbed me when I stumbled.

Most days all the muscles of her body burned and hurt as if someone were shoving small blades into her flesh.

The Captain of the Guard pushed in with six others, shoving the girl aside.

The priests began grabbing some of these myn, putting blades in their hands, and then forced their way over and around the vulnerable guests, shoving people behind them as they reached more of the guests with weapons.

Zeb brought me to my senses by picking up my corselet and shoving it out for me to put in my arms.

She lodged it in the tender opening of her body, and sank down with a moan, shoving him deep inside herself.

He pushed himself inside her, shoving deep until his hips pressed against hers, until she was utterly filled.

She fought the urge to keep from grabbing his head, shoving him where she needed him most.

Then she was tearing at his hair, and shoving her tongue into his mouth.