v. earn large sums of money; "Since she accepted the new position, she has been raking it in" [syn: rake in]
eat a large amount of food quickly; "The children gobbled down most of the birthday cake" [syn: garbage down, gobble up, bolt down]
Usage examples of "shovel in".
The Tsurani's eyes had gone wide as they started to shovel in the earth.
It was impossible to picture him with a shovel in one of his smooth hands, yet there he was in a series of framed photographs around the walls of his office.
He would dip his head almost to the plate, shovel in a heaping forkful, chew heavily with rolling bulge of muscle at the jaw corners, and then slosh it down with a gulp of wine, the throat bulging and shifting with the bulky swallow.
Yu Yu sat miserably upon a broken wall, and longed for a return to the lands of the Chiatze, with a good shovel in his hands and a deep ditch waiting to be dug.
Stanley was back in his hole, shovel in hand, when he heard Magnet call out.
I did my best to help lift at the same time as holding the shovel in position.