n. patch worn on the shoulder of a military uniform to indicate rank
Usage examples of "shoulder patch".
One side of it had the First Cavalry shoulder patch engraved on it.
Kirk liked the well-worn look of his leather jacket, with its rainbow shoulder patch and anomalously fleece-trimmed collar.
Jameson could make out the American-flag shoulder patch on one and the red-star patch on the other.
An American general, though, would only wear a couple of his qualification badges, name and branch tags and a shoulder patch on a plain, if well pressed, digicam or BDU uniform.
With visions of choking to death in my sleep, I contemplated tearing off my shoulder patch-but the symbolic attempt to surrender to natural circadian forces would have taken hours to produce any effect at all-and then it would have rendered me, at best, a zombie for the rest of the conference.
My serial number--and a metal finger lifted and rested on the shoulder patch-- is ACX-2745.
The only decoration on the olive drab outfit was his name tag on the left breast and the shoulder patch of the First Martian Expedition.
What in the world were thirty captains, majors and colonels, most of whom wore the Military District of Washington shoulder patch, doing flying out to distant places at ten o'clock at night?
The person wore the shoulder patch of a Colonial Garrison Trooper, but otherwise his equipment and uniform were identical to the Marines'.
On her shoulder patch were the twisted spears of fire and water, above the twin linked spheres of barren wasteland and green forests- the insignia of the landbuilders, whose dozers systematically scoured the poisons from the land and prepared the way for the replantings and reforestings.
Giap recognized the shoulder patch symbol on his spacesuit: a fist holding a lightning bolt.
Each uniform shirt had a large red shoulder patch with a white grid like three capital Fs jammed together.