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shoulder pad

n. 1 a type of padding sometimes used in clothing to give the wearer the illusion of less sloping shoulders. 2 a piece of protective equipment used in American and Canadian football.

shoulder pad

n. protective garment consisting of a hard rounded pad worn by football players to protect their shoulders

Usage examples of "shoulder pad".

The Courtesan tapped Iggy on her shoulder pad, his brutal eyes burning in the dim light.

His right shoulder was enfolded within a portable medcare unit, the large, black plastic shoulder pad winking with readouts.

The beam had carved a long diagonal furrow across the back of Ortega's jacket and clipped through the left shoulder pad at the top.

I could tell the security sorceress was about to dowse my body with her divining rod when I remembered the key I'd stitched into my shoulder pad.

He climbed to the shoulder pad the steward wore, the one Honor couldn't offer him until her wounds healed.

The scarlet band of a zerogee warning slashed the access tube deck before her, and she felt Nimitzs claws sink deeper into her shoulder pad as she stepped over it.

With a paternal frown, Leto stepped forward to straighten Rhombur's collar and brushed an offending wrinkle from his shoulder pad.

In his imagination, he saw the horrible crablike creature resting on the shoulder pad of his uniform, its segmented tail and wicked hooked stinger poised and dripping with a deadly greenish venom.

Putting out a hand to halt her he encountered a huge shoulder pad.

The second shot clipped Padway, tearing the shoulder pad of his suit.