vb. (obsolete spelling of should English)
Usage examples of "shoulde".
Lo Croesus, which that was of Lydia king, Mette he not that he sat upon a tree, Which signified he shoulde hanged be?
Townes that her Maiestie willed, and according to her Soueraigne auctoritie in her Dominions, commanded that they shoulde forbeare from thenceforth, from the beginning of the moneth of Ianuarie last past from carying of corne, and generally of all prouision of warre, cables, mastes, and like marchandise into Spaine and Portingall, whereby the enemie of her Kingdome might be the better furnished, vnder the paine of losse both of ships and goods, to be inflicted vpon such, as should violate this her princely commandement.
He shoulde kiss his erse ere that he scape: And up the window did he hastily, And out his erse he put full privily Over the buttock, to the haunche bone.
That ne man shoulde see his privity And as he lay a-dying in a trance, And wiste verily that dead was he, Of honesty yet had he remembrance.
Spanyerdes in London that a man shoulde have mett in the stretes for one Inglisheman above iiij Spanyerdes, to the great discomfort of the Inglishe nation.
The Queen whilest shee did wash her handes, one that caried the golden bason, receyued therin the water, that it might not fall agayne into the reassuming fountaine: and the other with the Ewrie, powred in as much sweete water as was borne away, because that the fountaine shoulde not be emptie, and hyndered in hys course.
For he that winketh when he shoulde see, All wilfully, God let him never the.
They spake of sundry hard'ning of metal, And spake of medicines therewithal, And how, and when, it shoulde harden'd be, Which is unknowen algate* unto me.
But by the cause that they shoulde rise Early a-morrow for to see that fight, Unto their reste wente they at night.
I telle you, onne a daye laike thif Ennywone withe half an oz of Sense shoulde bee oute in the Sunneshain, ane nott Stucke here alle the liuelong dale inn thif mowldey olde By.