Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Usage examples of "short-haul".
Normally Old Newfie only received one liner a month, clearing via customs to transfer passengers and cargo to the short-haul local freighters that bounced back and forth across the last parsec.
Bonneville, where it is consigned, but has got to go up to San Francisco first BY WAY OF Bonneville, at forty cents per ton and then be reshipped from San Francisco back to Bonneville again at FIFTY-ONE cents per ton, the short-haul rate.
They had all agreed, himself, the wharfingers, and the short-haul captains, that it was worth taking one more trip to the seining grounds before Storm set in.
On short-haul trips like this," he explained to Bentley, 'pressed men can be a deal of trouble.
You want to get us under your ruinous short-haul rate between Bonneville and San Francisco, AND RETURN.
Here's a load of stuff for Bonneville that can't stop at Bonneville, where it is consigned, but has got to go up to San Francisco first BY WAY OF Bonneville, at forty cents per ton and then be reshipped from San Francisco back to Bonneville again at FIFTY-ONE cents per ton, the short-haul rate.