Crossword clues for shoreward
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Shoreward \Shore"ward\, adv. Toward the shore.
a. 1 In the direction of the shoreline, relatively speaking. 2 which faces the shore adv. toward the shore
Usage examples of "shoreward".
As for the ship, she might run hard aground again even closer to shore than last time, plowing shoreward as fast as she was coming now.
At a point near the middle of the river a great mass of drift-logs and sand had long ago formed a barrier which split the stream so that one current came heavily shoreward on the side next the town and swashed with its muddy foam, making a swirl and eddy just below where Beverley stood.
Eagle Hunting camp, Four Bears stood on the riverbank and watched the white men come shoreward in their red and white canoes, and what was happening was real after all, but more exciting even than the dream of First Man.
In moving two miles shoreward, the Wabbler also moved more than two miles nearer to a harbor.
An air-cushion vehicle drove off one of the concrete floats, hit the waves, and howled shoreward at a high rate of speed.
But the creek bed sloped sharply there, and the shoreward end of the boathouse rested on the top of the bank under which the tunnel emerged.
When this novelty ceased to be a novelty, we turned our eyes shoreward and gazed at the long mountain with its rich green forests stretching up into the curtaining clouds, and at the specks of houses in the rearward distance and the diminished schooner riding sleepily at anchor.
He wanted to keep it open just a little, like an off-center drag chute, to complete his shoreward turn by air resistance.
Easily a dozen cities - new and old, great and small, living and long dead - were scattered about the Bay, as well as more villages than could be counted, yet a body could still cast an eagle eye shoreward at any point and find a stretch of land as pristine and unspoiled as the day it was made.
A few minutes later the Traveler had swung around and was heading shoreward under full throttle.
And then, to the eastward where stout waves broke on the coral reef, thundering shoreward in long undulant swells whose tips were spumed in white, the missionaries witnessed for the first time one of the mysteries of the islands.
It is here that an overhanging and tip-tilted horn, a good sea-mark for Hatiheu, bursts naked from the verdure of the climbing forest, and breaks down shoreward in steep taluses and cliffs.