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shopping centers

n. (shopping center English)

Usage examples of "shopping centers".

Lots of shopping centers and hamburger stands and bowling alleys and all that.

She was close to three major shopping centers: Brookwood, the Summit, and the Galleria.

Waynesboro had a traditional, vaguely pleasant central business district covering five or six square blocks, but, as so often these days, most retail businesses had moved out to shopping centers on the periphery, leaving little but a sprinkling of banks, insurance offices, and dusty thrift stores or secondhand shops in what presumably was once a thriving downtown.

I drove in on a road that became a two-mile strip of shopping centers and gas stations, K Marts, J.

There are restaurants, concert halls, offices, schools, shopping centers, sports stadiums, churches, hotels, and everything else that a city of a hundred thousand people needs to provide a full life.

He hung a right on East Avenue and drove into downtown Livermore, a small California burg with old stone and brick buildings, old wooden farmhouses now surrounded by suburbs, shopping centers not unlike those in every other town in California .

The place was a temple to Agora, a goddess of shopping centers who held sway in more than one dimension.

He operated behind two corporations-TAG and Gantry Group--and through them he owned three used-car lots, two small shopping centers, an apartment building where two people had been shot to death, six rental duplexes, a bar where a woman had been raped, a video store, and numerous vacant lots he'd purchased for almost nothing from the city.

He operated behind two corporations--TAG and Gantry Group--and through them he owned three used-car lots, two small shopping centers, an apartment building where two people had been shot to death, six rental duplexes, a bar where a woman had been raped, a video store, and numerous vacant lots he'd purchased for almost nothing from the city.

We hit one of them shopping centers out on the Island, we make a profit on it.

He operated behind two corporations--TAG and Gantry Group--andthrough them he owned three used-car lots, two small shopping centers,an apartment building where two people had been shot to death, six rentalduplexes, a bar where a woman had been raped, a video store, and numerousvacant lots he'd purchased for almost nothing from the city.

Then International Amalgamated Development had moved in, bought a couple of thousand acres, and put in shopping centers, town houses, condominiums, and rental apartments, just south of town.