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shooting glasses

n. (context firearms English) A type of impact resistant eyewear used by shooters to prevent injury due to a cartridge or gun malfunction blowing hot gas or metal particles in to the shooter's face.

Usage examples of "shooting glasses".

I added ten pads of tear-off targets, five sets of hearing protectors, five sets of wraparound shooting glasses, a wall mount gun rack with ammo drawers, a case of shells with bird shot, a case of three-inch shotgun shells with number three buckshot, and a case of shotgun shells with rifled slugs.

Vince asks, removing his hearing-protector headset and shooting glasses.

She put both extra magazines in with it and sealed the case, tucked it under her arm, slid her shooting glasses into a pocket, and gathered up her ear protectors, and the almond eyes she'd inherited from her Chinese mother twinkled as LaFollet tried not to sigh in relief.

Turner saw that she was wearing fingerless brown leather gloves She’d replaced her sunglasses with clear-glass shooting glasses, and there was a pistol on her hip.

He put on a pair of expensive yellow-tinted shooting glasses and the glare from the window vanished.

She put both extra magazines in with it and sealed the case, tucked it under her arm, slid her shooting glasses into a pocket, and gathered up her ear protectors, and the almond eyes she’.