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n. (plural of shithole English)

Usage examples of "shitholes".

I'm working my way around the fucking galaxy entertaining morons who live in shitholes and stashing away all the blat I can manage.

People who don't live in shitholes I don't perform for because I might want to retire to a non-shithole one of these days.

Sit in shitholes like this every evening, talking old battles and victories, and arguing over who did what like old pensioned-off soldiers, with nothing left to do but relive the days when their lives had purpose and meaning.

Why in the universe black markets were always held in shitholes, Hauk didn't know.

They have parallel-parked their bimbo boxes in identical computer-designed Burbclave street patterns and secreted themselves in symmetrical sheetrock shitholes with vinyl floors and ifi-fitting woodwork and no sidewalks, vast house farms out in the loglo wilderness, a culture medium for a medium culture.

The rule in Third World shitholes is that the head of government serves at the pleasure of the guys with the guns.