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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ship-rigged \Ship"-rigged`\, a. (Naut.) Rigged like a ship, that is, having three masts, each with square sails.


a. (context nautical English) rig like a ship, with three masts, each with square sails.

Usage examples of "ship-rigged".

As Stephen rode down on a fine smooth-paced dapple-grey mare he turned a towering shoulder of rock and there was the ocean before him, an enormous, magnificent sea stretching to the horizon, and beyond the horizon, if his memory served, to China, Krim Tartary and the countries beyond: but here, close at hand - relatively close at hand - was the dear Surprise, unmistakable with her towering thirty-six-gun frigate's mainmast, and accompanied, which was by no means unusual, by a prize, a moderate ship-rigged privateer, now with drooping ears and in her turn accompanied by three republican sloops.

Jack set to his own mound with an easy mind at last: more or less everybody was talking - Pullings and Parker explaining Bonaparte's intentions to Canning - the new French gunboats, the ship-rigged prams of the invasion flotilla - and Stephen and Macdonald leaning far over their plates to hear one another, or rather to be heard, in an argument that was still mild enough, but that threatened to grow a little warm.

Jack set to his own mound with an easy mind at last: more or less everybody was talking - Pullings and Parker explaining Bonaparte’s intentions to Canning - the new French gunboats, the ship-rigged prams of the invasion flotilla - and Stephen and Macdonald leaning far over their plates to hear one another, or rather to be heard, in an argument that was still mild enough, but that threatened to grow a little warm.