Crossword clues for shinnying
vb. (present participle of shinny English)
Usage examples of "shinnying".
All seemed in readiness for the day’s events: livestock enclosures had been put up, chairs and long tables had been set out for people to eat at, and three tall shafts had been dug into the ground for the shinnying contest.
Roger was shinnying up the pole on the Common, and there goes Gracie up the flagpole in front of the post office in about the same time.
Still, Gracie had not long before been shinnying flagpoles and wrestling Roger Penrose to the ground.
One of the boys had clambered up into the tree and was shinnying out onto the limb in question.
Dick, the oldest of the Shaftoes, had learnt the rudiments of the trade by shinnying up the drain-pipes of whorehouses to steal things from the pockets of vacant clothing.
Then, when he felt sure his friend should be shinnying down the rope-Fredericks had spent lots of points on rope-shinnying ability, so Orlando figured he wouldn't be at it too long-he summoned Beezle back.
Then, when he felt sure his friend should be shinnying down the ropeâFredericks had spent lots of points on rope-shinnying ability, so Orlando figured he wouldn't be at it too longâhe summoned Beezle back.
Then, when he felt sure his friend should be shinnying down the rope—Fredericks had spent lots of points on rope-shinnying ability, so Orlando figured he wouldn't be at it too long—he summoned Beezle back.
Soon she was shinnying almost vertically, with the hull stroking her back.
He had looped rope between his feet, put a single safety line around the tree trunk, and was shinnying up the palm when he chanced a look out to sea.