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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shimmering \Shim"mer*ing\, n. A gleam or glimmering. ``A little shimmering of a light.''


Shimmer \Shim"mer\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Shimmered; p. pr. & vb. n. Shimmering.] [OE. schimeren, AS. scimerian; akin to sc[=i]mian, sc[=i]man, to glitter, D. schemeren, G. schimmern, Dan. skimre, Sw. skimra, AS. sc[=i]ma a light, brightness, Icel. sk[=i]ma, Goth. skeima a torch, a lantern, and E. shine. [root]157. See Shine, v. i.] To shine with a tremulous or intermittent light; to shine faintly; to gleam; to glisten; to glimmer.

The shimmering glimpses of a stream.


n. A gleam or glimmer. vb. (present participle of shimmer English)

Usage examples of "shimmering".

He saw towers and walls in nighted depths under the sea, and vortices of space where wisps of black mist floated before thin shimmerings of cold purple haze.