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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shimmer \Shim"mer\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Shimmered; p. pr. & vb. n. Shimmering.] [OE. schimeren, AS. scimerian; akin to sc[=i]mian, sc[=i]man, to glitter, D. schemeren, G. schimmern, Dan. skimre, Sw. skimra, AS. sc[=i]ma a light, brightness, Icel. sk[=i]ma, Goth. skeima a torch, a lantern, and E. shine. [root]157. See Shine, v. i.] To shine with a tremulous or intermittent light; to shine faintly; to gleam; to glisten; to glimmer.

The shimmering glimpses of a stream.


vb. (en-past of: shimmer)

Usage examples of "shimmered".

It was the dream of Linc that made her radiate a leashed sensuality that fairly shimmered through the magazine pages and TV commercials.

He watched her with a barely leashed intensity, fascinated by the candlelight that shimmered and slid over the chestnut coils of her hair.

When she fastened the seat belt, the long strands of her hair rippled and shimmered in her lap like flame.

She looked into Linc’s eyes again, studying him in a silence that shimmered with dreams and possibilities.

The silence shimmered with possibilities, a sensuality as deep as his eyes.

Her face was framed in a cloud of auburn hair that shimmered and smoldered with each rapid breath she took.

Dark hair shimmered and burned with gold highlights as his arms moved.

Fire shimmered through her, called by his hunger and her own, fire melting her until she sagged against him, giving herself to his strength.

Stan’s blond hair shimmered palely in the twilight as Rafe bent down, his face a mask of cold rage.

Light shimmered across the surface of the Tiger God’s masculine body, a seamless blending of every tone between rich gold and luminous brown.

The air around the stables shimmered with heat and sun, dust and an unhealthy dose of LA’s infamous smog.

The stallion’s thick mane and tail shimmered like coarse black silk, emphasizing the blood red of his coat.

Light shimmered over the creature in rhythmic patterns, as though the dragon were slowly breathing.

He saw nothing but a dark shape haloed by fire that twisted and shimmered with each liquid movement of her body.

Streamers of heat shimmered through her with each movement of his tongue.