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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shieling \Shiel"ing\, n. A hut or shelter for shepherds of fishers. See Sheeling.


n. 1 An area of summer pasture used for cattle, sheep etc. 2 A shepherd's hut or shack.


A shieling , also spelt sheiling, shealing and sheeling, is a hut, or collection of huts, once common in a wild or lonely place in the hills and mountains of Scotland and northern England. The word also refers to a mountain pasture used for the grazing of cattle in summer.

Usage examples of "shieling".

Torquil left Ninian and Aubrey to shepherd the ewe into the shieling and hurried after the king, occasionally slipping on loose shale.

A sharp knock sounded on the outside of the shieling, then Laine poked his head in.

I fled Kilernan a few months past, to stay in a shieling hut in the hills above Loch Garry.

I should ride out to her shieling hut in a few days, just to be certain she is well.

Kenneth bid them good fortune and peace in the new year, and he and Catriona led their rested garrons outside to ride back to her shieling hut.

They rode in silence until the shieling hut appeared on the next hill.

I will ride back to the shieling and fetch Catriona for your Twelfth Night revels.

Parian had put it there she was certain, forcing this night of revelry upon her, just as he and her uncle had taken her away from the shieling the day before.

He fled from the field, and took refuge in a mountain shieling, having two guns with him, but only one of them was loaded.

Egypt, Spain, or Flanders, with the deeds done of yore by Ossian sung, sits contented by the door of the same shieling, restored and beautified, in which he had dreamt away the summers of his youth.

Ye shall lie to-morrow night in some good fighting-stead whither it shall not be to his vantage to move against you: haply in the old shielings above Wrenthwaite, or at any likely spot afore the road dippeth south into Gashterndale.