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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
shelve a plan (=not continue with it, although you might continue with it later)
▪ The plans will be shelved until an alternative access to the site can be found.
shelve a plan (=cancel your plan, although you may do it later)
▪ The plan had to be shelved because of lack of money.
▪ A young couple may have to shelve plans to have a baby, at least for the moment.
▪ Plans for a new stadium have been shelved for now.
▪ Plans for the new stadium have been shelved due to a lack of funding.
▪ The city shelved the project due to lack of funding.
▪ All of this information can be discovered by checking with those who work at the circulation desk and those who shelve books.
▪ Every inch of space in the tiny shop was crammed with goods, piled, stacked and shelved in chaotic order.
▪ I bundle it away into its folder and shelve it.
▪ Only a few delegates sensed that pressing problems had been shelved.
▪ The beach was long, flat and shelved so gently that no normal vessel could have come ashore without running aground.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shelve \Shelve\, v. t.

  1. To furnish with shelves; as, to shelve a closet or a library.

  2. To place on a shelf. Hence: To lay on the shelf; to put aside; to dismiss from service; to put off indefinitely; as, to shelve an officer; to shelve a claim.


Shelve \Shelve\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Shelved; p. pr. & vb. n. Shelving.] [Perhapss originally from the same source as shallow, but influenced by shelf a ledge, a platform.] To incline gradually; to be slopping; as, the bottom shelves from the shore.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, "to overhang," also "to provide with shelves," probably a back-formation from shelves, plural of shelf (n.1). Meaning "put on a shelf" first recorded 1650s; metaphoric sense of "lay aside, dismiss" is from 1812. Related: Shelved; shelving.


"to slope gradually," 1610s, from Middle English shelven "to slope," from shelfe "grassy slope," a word related to shelf (n.1). Related: Shelved; shelving.


n. A rocky ledge or shelf. vb. 1 (context transitive English) to place on a shelf 2 (context transitive English) to store, set aside, quit, or halt 3 To furnish with shelves. 4 (context Wales slang English) to have sex with

  1. v. hold back to a later time; "let's postpone the exam" [syn: postpone, prorogue, hold over, put over, table, set back, defer, remit, put off]

  2. place on a shelve; "shelve books"

Usage examples of "shelve".

His desk, unlike the others in the antrum, thrown together and wobbly, was an elaborate sectional apparatus with automatic drawers, a pop-up typewriter, modular shelving and a built-in pencil sharpener that operated on batteries.

The dark walls were hung with astrological and anthropomantic charts and instruments of magic and shelved with crypti- cally labeled porcelain jars and also with vitreous flasks and glass pipes of the oddest shapes, some filled with colored fluids, but many gleamingly empty.

The desk and viewscreens were almost identical, though the shelves were empty of the sailing memorabilia and other clutter that Bonner kept.

Instead, they saw shelves and shelves of books, low lighting, a hardwood floor gleaming mellowly from countless applications of wax.

He looked quickly around the long row of shelves and saw the girl, staring at the microfiche screen.

The kitchen was even shabbier than the dining room, its shelves filled with cheap saucepans and a miscellanea of china.

She wanted to be mistaken, to have misplaced, miscounted the essentially interchangeable stock, but knew at once that no amount of wishful thinking, checking, rechecking the shelves, could erase the stubborn fact of loss gaping up at her from the mockingly vacant slots of the gem trays.

Merry stocks her shelves with sprays, toxins, and molecules of fearsome potency, all of them synthesized by evil alchemists and guaranteed to necrose Planet Earth for eternity.

The bookshop itself, with its copiously furnished shelves on the ground floor and its cramped lodgings one twist of a turnpike stair above those, had resided on London Bridgeand in a corner of Nonsuch House, the most handsome of its buildingsfor much longer: almost forty years.

Martians and I jumped out on the shelving beach, hauled our boat up high and dry, and there right over us, like great green umbrellas, spread the fronds of the outmost garden of this strangest of all ship-building yards.

This being the end of summer but not yet harvest time, the pantry shelves were nowhere near the height of what I hoped would be their autumn bounty, but still there were cheeses on the shelf, a huge stoneware crock of salted fish on the floor, and sacks of flour, corn, rice, beans, barley, and oatmeal.

The pantry shelves bulged with sacks of nuts, heaps of squash, rows of potatoes, jars of dried tomatoes, peaches, and apricots, bowls of dried mushrooms, wheels of cheese, and baskets of apples.

Sister Hyacinthe joined her in the pantry and discovered that two long high shelves were crammed with large glass jars labeled powdered sugar.

They hurried from sink to pantry and began a tedious search of all the shelves but they found no further signs of bugging.

Bendix had used her miraculous skills at memory and association to save the butts of almost every attorney and paralegal in the firm on more than one occasion by finding obscure file folders buried among the millions of documents residing on the gray metal shelves.