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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sheltie \Shel"tie\, Shelty \Shel"ty\, n. A Shetland pony.


n. 1 A Shetland pony; any small pony. 2 sheepdog. 3 (context rare English) A Shetlander.

Usage examples of "shelty".

Archie and Charlie scorned shelties since this magnificent equipage had been set up.

He had bought the little rough shelties of the North and the Isles, and sold them at lowland fairs, he had dabbled in black cattle, he had done big trade in sheep-skins when a snowstorm decimated the Sutherland flocks, and he had engaged, perhaps, in less reputable ventures, which might be forbidden by the law of the land, but were not contrary, so he believed, to the Bible.

The refugees were moving now, heading across the barren plains as quickly as they could, an undisciplined mob urged forward by Brotherhood troops who harried them along like shelties herding a flock.