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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Cindy looked a little shell-shocked after her driving test.
▪ He watched as Gilbert exchanged a look with an equally shell-shocked Frye ... and then hurried quickly towards the reception door.
▪ In shell-shocked silence she sat, huddled in her seat as they drove away from the hospital.
▪ Ireland must have left Twickenham shell-shocked.
▪ It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.
▪ Perhaps all three universities in the league were still shell-shocked after being well beaten by the top Pizza clubs last Saturday.
▪ The other night I woke in panic, shell-shocked from the Gulf War.

a. 1 (context dated English) stunned or mentally unbalanced by prolonged stress such as experienced in combat or under fire (shell-fire); suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. 2 (context figuratively English) confused as a result of a traumatic experience. alt. 1 (context dated English) stunned or mentally unbalanced by prolonged stress such as experienced in combat or under fire (shell-fire); suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. 2 (context figuratively English) confused as a result of a traumatic experience.

Usage examples of "shell-shocked".

Weeping Walls arrangement was set up the prefab wall itself going up quickly on a leased stretch of side-walk where prearranged postholes awaitedand the friends and relatives of the chemically slaughtered bus riders were being processed through their relatively restrained and somewhat shell-shocked grief.

The remnant of the livecrew, shell-shocked and shaken in their armor, had almost abandoned any attempt at choosing tactics, and were depending heavily in their conduct of the fight upon their own computer hardware.

The flics and French soldiers around us weren't just tired and shell-shocked, they looked afraid.

More likely there's a very shell-shocked cat wandering around somewhere, covered in potato peelings.

Now there were only those who were acquiring considerable wealth through mafia connections, and urbanized peasants living in poured-concrete tenements, waking up, shell-shocked, for the first time since that awful day in 1920 when the city was overrun by the Bolshevik soldiery.