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SHEL is a folk/pop band from Fort Collins, Colorado. The band is composed of the four Holbrook sisters, where SHEL is an acronym for their names, Sarah, Hannah, Eva and Liza. Eva is on lead vocals, guitar, banjo, cello, and mandolin; Hannah on vocals, accordion and keys; Sarah on vocals, bass and fiddle; and Liza on percussion, djembe, and beat boxing. They began their career backing up their father, guitarist/singer Andrew Holbrook.

The band takes part in directing their own music videos. They recently completed their second full length cd, Just Crazy Enough, in Nashville.

Usage examples of "shel".

Hardly daring to hope his trap would bring in a Shuhr this quickly, he gripped his duffel strap and forced himself to play the concerned but unaware husband, depending on Shel and Uri for protec-tion.

This was the first information Shel had volunteered since they met, back at Hesed.

Followed by Brennen at one hand and Shel at the other, she sprinted up the steps and touched the door.

Shel walked slowly around the room, and then Shel took a parade-rest stance near the hall door while Uri moved behind Brennen.

A hasty glance back showed Shel still crouched at the side door, left hand raised in voice-command.

Firebird shut her eyes and rested back in her chair, Shel Mattason dispersed her shields.

This time, the only outward sign of her effort that Shel could see was a bead of perspiration that trickled down her forehead, along her left eye, and then down the edge of her cheek.

Coming from the bereaved Shel, that encouragement carried considerable weight.

Brennen took her coat as Shel and Uri disabled a new set of listening devices.

Firebird waited a slow ten-count, then Shel jabbed a key to break the connection.

Soft footfalls behind her assured her that Shel, Tel, and Uri followed.

As she walked up the corridor with the major on one side and Shel on the other, she composed a formal apology.

Behind her, one of them quizzed Shel about Federate training techniques.

She felt Brennen behind her and guessed he, Uri, and Shel walked in cadence, scanning the hall with their epsilon senses.

Firebird was making no sense, but Shel guessed how the Shuhr had tormented her.