Crossword clues for sheeple
n. (context derogatory slang English) People who unquestioningly accept as true whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny.
Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a derogatory term that highlights the passive herd behavior of people easily controlled by a governing power which likens them to sheep, a herd animal that is easily led about. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research in large part because the majority of others possess a similar mindset. Word Spy defines it as "people who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd (sheep + people)."
While its origins are unclear, the word was used by W. R. Anderson in his column Round About Radio, published in London 1945, where he wrote:
"The simple truth is that you can get away with anything, in government. That covers almost all the evils of the time. Once in, nobody, apparently, can turn you out. The People, as ever (I spell it ‘Sheeple’), will stand anything.
Another early use was from Ernest Rogers, whose 1949 book The Old Hokum Bucket contained a chapter entitled "We the Sheeple." The Wall Street Journal first reported the label in print in 1984; the reporter heard the word used by the proprietor of the American Opinion bookstore.
The term can also be used for those who seem inordinately tolerant, or welcoming, of what can be perceived as governmental overreach. In a column entitled "A Nation of Sheeple", columnist Walter E. Williams writes, "Americans sheepishly accepted all sorts of Transportation Security Administration nonsense. In the name of security, we've allowed fingernail clippers, eyeglass screwdrivers, and toy soldiers to be taken from us prior to boarding a plane."
Usage examples of "sheeple".
And while traitors like the Taliban Rat Boy from un-Fairfax, California provide an interesting freak show for the sheeple, we cannot afford to overlook what the Rats and their internal terrorist movement is doing to sabotage our homeland.
They would rather see a nation of sheeple dependent on big government than a nation of strong, self-reliant families.
Why did so many of the American sheeple side with the Clinton-Gore team on this issue?
They control the media, and the purse-strings, and a nation of sheeple sucking at the tit of statism.
Remember, the degenerates on the left who want to sell Americans on the idea that homosexuality, bisexuality, transexuality, even sex with animals is normal are using porn as a way to indoctrinate the sheeple - while making their fortunes.