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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shechinah \She*chi"nah\, n. See Shekinah.


Shekinah \She*ki"nah\, n. [Heb Talmud shek[=i]n[=a]h, fr. sh[=a]kan to inhabit.] The visible majesty of the Divine Presence, especially when resting or dwelling between the cherubim on the mercy seat, in the Tabernacle, or in the Temple of Solomon; -- a term used in the Targums and by the later Jews, and adopted by Christians. [Written also Shechinah.]
--Dr. W. Smith (Bib. Dict.)


n. (alternative form of shekinah English)

Usage examples of "shechinah".

But you should know that this woman—the Goddess, the Virgin Mary, the Shechinah, the Great Mother, Isis, Sofia, slave and mistress—is present in every religion on the face of the earth.