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a. Resembling or characteristic of a sheath.

Usage examples of "sheathlike".

The sheathlike cotyledons of the Gramineae circumnutate, that is, move to all sides, as plainly as do the hypocotyls or epicotyls of any dicotyledonous plants.

We may, also, suspect that the extreme sensitiveness to light of the upper part of the sheathlike cotyledons of the Gramineae, and their power of transmitting its effects to the lower part, are specialised arrangements for finding the shortest path to the light.

In the Gramineae the summit of the straight, sheathlike cotyledon is developed into a hard sharp crest, which evidently serves for breaking through the earth.

Yet we should remember that the circumnutating sheathlike cotyledons of Phalaris, the hypocotyls of Solanum, and the epicotyls of Asparagus formed round themselves little circular cracks or furrows in a superficial layer of damp argillaceous sand.

Though the sheathlike cotyledons of Phalaris are so extremely sensitive to apogeotropism, the first true leaves which protrude from them exhibited only a trace of this action.

The extreme amount of movement of the sheathlike cotyledon of Phalaris Canariensis was .

The sheathlike cotyledons of Phalaris Canariensis are extremely sensitive to apogeotropism.