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n. (plural of shaver English)


Shavers may refer to:


  • Charlie Shavers (1920–1971), American swing era jazz trumpet player
  • China Shavers (born 1977), American actress
  • Dinerral Shavers (born 1981), jazz drummer and educator from New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Earnie Shavers (born 1945), American former professional boxer


  • Shavers Fork, situated in the Allegheny Mountains of eastern West Virginia, USA
  • Shavers Fork Mountain Complex, the mountains on either side of Shavers Fork
  • Shavers Mountain, high and rugged ridge in the Allegheny Mountains of eastern West Virginia

Usage examples of "shavers".

The disposable shavers she used wouldn't send him screaming in fright, unless he had a phobia about being shaved.

But this, the only resource which the government could command with certainty, the States have unfortunately fooled away, nay corruptly alienated to swindlers and shavers, under the cover of private banks.