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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shatter-brained \Shat"ter-brained`\, Shatter-pated \Shat"ter-pat`ed\, a. Disordered or wandering in intellect; hence, heedless; wild; similar to scatter-brained.
--J. Goodman.

Usage examples of "shatter-brained".

Indeed, I can't think how I came to say anything so shatter-brained, for something seemed to tell me at the outset that it was not an elopement!

The evils of her former situation in her aunt's house were never more clearly shown: she had neither precept nor example to guide her, her aunt being both indolent and shatter-brained, and her cousins over-bold young women with nothing in their heads but finery and dalliance.

George and Brigid studied the calendar and neglected their lessons to such a degree that Clarissa, who very rarely used a harsh word where they were concerned, said that they were a couple of shatter-brained ninnies, only fit for the stable-bucket.

She knew how much pleasure Catherine Montaigne took from her public persona's reputation for shatter-brained confusion.

She knew how much pleasure Catherine Montaigne took from her public persona’s reputation for shatter-brained confusion.

I know it was at Rathfarnham,' Stephen went on, 'for I had spent the whole of that afternoon trying to persuade him not to go on with his shatter-brained plans for the rising: I told him I was opposed to violence - always had been - and that even if I were not I should withdraw, were he to persist with such wild, visionary schemes - that they would be his own ruin, Pamela's ruin, the ruin of his cause and the ruin of God knows how many brave, devoted men.