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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sharp \Sharp\, a. [Compar. Sharper; superl. Sharpest.] [OE. sharp, scharp, scarp, AS. scearp; akin to OS. skarp, LG. scharp, D. scherp, G. scharf, Dan. & Sw. skarp, Icel. skarpr. Cf. Escarp, Scrape, Scorpion.]

  1. Having a very thin edge or fine point; of a nature to cut or pierce easily; not blunt or dull; keen.

    He dies upon my scimeter's sharp point.

  2. Terminating in a point or edge; not obtuse or rounded; somewhat pointed or edged; peaked or ridged; as, a sharp hill; sharp features.

  3. Affecting the sense as if pointed or cutting, keen, penetrating, acute: to the taste or smell, pungent, acid, sour, as ammonia has a sharp taste and odor; to the hearing, piercing, shrill, as a sharp sound or voice; to the eye, instantaneously brilliant, dazzling, as a sharp flash.

  4. (Mus.)

    1. High in pitch; acute; as, a sharp note or tone.

    2. Raised a semitone in pitch; as, C sharp (C[sharp]), which is a half step, or semitone, higher than C.

    3. So high as to be out of tune, or above true pitch; as, the tone is sharp; that instrument is sharp. Opposed in all these senses to flat.

  5. Very trying to the feelings; piercing; keen; severe; painful; distressing; as, sharp pain, weather; a sharp and frosty air.

    Sharp misery had worn him to the bones.

    The morning sharp and clear.

    In sharpest perils faithful proved.

  6. Cutting in language or import; biting; sarcastic; cruel; harsh; rigorous; severe; as, a sharp rebuke. ``That sharp look.''

    To that place the sharp Athenian law Can not pursue us.

    Be thy words severe, Sharp as merits but the sword forbear.

  7. Of keen perception; quick to discern or distinguish; having nice discrimination; acute; penetrating; sagacious; clever; as, a sharp eye; sharp sight, hearing, or judgment.

    Nothing makes men sharper . . . than want.

    Many other things belong to the material world, wherein the sharpest philosophers have never ye? arrived at clear and distinct ideas.
    --L. Watts.

  8. Eager in pursuit; keen in quest; impatient for gratification; keen; as, a sharp appetite.

  9. Fierce; ardent; fiery; violent; impetuous. ``In sharp contest of battle.''

    A sharp assault already is begun.

  10. Keenly or unduly attentive to one's own interest; close and exact in dealing; shrewd; as, a sharp dealer; a sharp customer.

    The necessity of being so sharp and exacting.

  11. Composed of hard, angular grains; gritty; as, sharp sand.

  12. Steep; precipitous; abrupt; as, a sharp ascent or descent; a sharp turn or curve.

  13. (Phonetics) Uttered in a whisper, or with the breath alone, without voice, as certain consonants, such as p, k, t, f; surd; nonvocal; aspirated.

    Note: Sharp is often used in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, sharp-cornered, sharp-edged, sharp-pointed, sharp-tasted, sharp-visaged, etc.

    Sharp practice, the getting of an advantage, or the attempt to do so, by a tricky expedient.

    To brace sharp, or To sharp up (Naut.), to turn the yards to the most oblique position possible, that the ship may lie well up to the wind.

    Syn: Keen; acute; piercing; penetrating; quick; sagacious; discerning; shrewd; witty; ingenious; sour; acid; tart; pungent; acrid; severe; poignant; biting; acrimonious; sarcastic; cutting; bitter; painful; afflictive; violent; harsh; fierce; ardent; fiery.


a. (en-superlative of: sharp)

Usage examples of "sharpest".

You played your part so well that the sharpest eye would have been deceived.

It will be down to the sharpest sword and the cunning of the wolf once more, and not one of our hired mages will be able to aid us!

He believed that he was the sharpest and most alert Marine in the entire FIST.

Sandor Arbitration Intelligence was one of the sharpest posters in this newsgroup.

Applying careful pressure with the knobby, rounded end of the legbone, he broke off only the sharpest edge of both lengths, which dulled them only slightly but, more important, strengthened them, so this piece could be used as a scraper to shape and smooth a piece of wood or bone.

He pulls out his pocket knife, selects the sharpest blade, and makes rough incisions through the plastic, diagonally, X marks the spot.

I, whom that same popular rumour had endowed with the sharpest wits in France!

Just my brother--he will seek them out, one after another, probably, not knowing that the sharpest eyes in the world are watching his every movement.

Her every nerve was strained to completely grasp the situation first, then to make a final appeal to those wits which had so often been called the sharpest in Europe, and which alone might be of service now.

During this period he was guilty of that crowning folly, the acceptance of the Rectorship of the Gymnasium at Padua, he felt the sharpest stings of poverty, and his life was overshadowed by dire physical misfortune.

The worst of the struggle, as far as the world was concerned, was over, and the sharpest sorrows and the heaviest disgrace reserved for Cardan in the future were to be those nourished in his own household.

Whether he would be sensitive to any great pain he could not say, but twitchings and the sharpest attacks of gout affected him not.

He went ahead and held out his hand for Sonia as she descended, lifting her skirts to avoid the sharpest of the small rocks.

The sharpest sword or dagger might pierce his hide, but the blade will snap before it goes any deeper.

Dan jabbed at it with the smallest and sharpest blade of his little pocketknife.