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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
sharp-tongued/silver-tongued etc
▪ Gao Yang noticed a frothy string of bloody sputum at the corner of his mouth and felt sorry for the sharp-tongued fellow.
▪ In Kirk Askew, Margarett found a sharp-tongued companion and a compassionate friend.

a. Having an acrid or bitter wit. Often said of someone skilled at or given to insulting or belittling others.

Usage examples of "sharp-tongued".

I'm older now than most of the junior adepts who need consorts, and those who are left don't wish a sharp-tongued healer.

Because he was the narrator, of course, I saw that the Vanderlips were glad enough to be quit of their sharp-tongued daughter, and now that Cynthia -- not the most desirable of brides, because of that short leg she got when it was caught in the wheel of a hay-wagon -- was married to Daniel Boutell, who was a showy fellow with a big moustache, who travelled in dry-goods -- they had at last discharged their nineteenth-century parental duty to their children.

If Langdarma could abide someone as bitter and sharp-tongued as Kumara, surely the valley would not be ruined by the presence of a singleugly westerner.

And to teach that sharp-tongued Marvella that he wasn't no pussy-whipped wimp, but a man.

Rajasta ended, with just the proper note of amused tolerance for parental worryings, "I should say the worst thing you have to fear for your son-to-be is that he will be perhaps over-fond of contests and strifes, and be sharp-tongued, as Scorpions often are.