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vb. (present participle of shank English)

Usage examples of "shanking".

They were big men of various ages--some in straight Chinese dress, several in uniforms with the green tab and chop of the Shanking army.

He knew--and the Black Abbot knew he knew it--that the same spy who had reported his passing the Shanking Ta Hung Men---the Great Red Gate--might as easily as not have been given an order to kill him as soon as he entered the city.

Society of the Patriotic Harmony Fist--the I Ho Huan, otherwise, the Boxers--had been gaining strength here in Shanking lately.

Stone Jewel Castle who came running to the headquarters of the Shanking Boxers along toward midnight with word that the Black Abbot had taken Shadak Khan captive and was about to cut off his nose and gouge out his eyes.

Practically all of the rickshaws in Shanking now had rifle-barrels for axles.