Shanakht(English Translation: Identity) is a Pakistani television social drama series that debuted on Hum TV on 5 August 2014. It is written and directed by Amna Nawaz Khan and is Produced by Momina Duraid. It is produced by Momina Duraid and is a A N K Production project. The show stars Maya Ali, Fahad Mirza and Noor Hassan Rizvi in pivotal roles. The show aired Tuesdays at 8:00 pm.
The drama serial premiered on 5 August 2014 in Pakistan, with the prime slot of 8:00 pm every Friday on the channel Hum TV, the serial aired its final episode on 16 December 2014, and was extremely praised. The final episode of serial left an unforgettable effect on audience. Shanakht received widespread critical acclaim and is widely regarded to be one of the greatest television series of all time. Due to the Islamic serial trend and minimum cult philosophy cliche dialogues, the serial was a major hit and was praised heavily. It is also among the top series of Pakistan.