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n. (archaic form of shamshir English)

Usage examples of "shamsheer".

Proloc of Vandahl ignored all the warnings and horror stories and demanded we take his children into Shamsheer to ride the flying carpets.

He handed her a flowing dress of the sort worn by the minor Shamsheer nobility.

Reconstructing the map of this part of Shamsheer in her mind, she searched it for the next nearest place a sky-plane might be kept.

It yielded to her weight just like ordinary cloth would have, and she had to force herself to remember that visitors to Shamsheer had been using these things safely for over a century.

Ravagin knew, that would be protected from the early frosts of this part of Shamsheer by a small obelisk that somehow kept the entire grove at a safe temperature until the fruit was completely harvested.

The kick missed, her foot caught up short by the unfamiliar length of her Shamsheer dress.

Personally, I find Shamsheer a much more fascinating and potentially useful world than Karyx.

Womb seems to work as well on someone from the Twenty Worlds as it does on a Shamsheer native.

Threshold and Shamsheer ends of the first Tunnel had: a small leaf-carpeted clearing with several small hills grouped around a longer one containing the Tunnel.

Fleetingly, Danae wondered how the early explorers to Shamsheer had ever managed to find the thing.

In any case, you are a threat and a danger to the Numant Protectorate, and indeed all of Shamsheer, and you will remain in the cells of Castle Numanteal until I decide how to deal with you.

How do we convince Simrahi that there are forces threatening all of Shamsheer, and further convince him that letting us go is the way to fight the attack?

Hidden Worlds it was like a punch in the gut to discover there was still something on Shamsheer that could take his breath away.

Ravagin had seen on Shamsheer, its dimensions all the more pronounced when the modest size of the town of Horma over which it towered was taken into account.