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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Shakespearean \Shake*spear"e*an\, a. Of, pertaining to, or in the style of, Shakespeare or his works. [Written also Shakespearian, Shakspearean, Shakspearian, Shaksperean, Shaksperian.etc.]

Usage examples of "shakespearian".

An amazing knowledge of Chaucerian or Shakespearian criticism sometimes co-exists with a very inadequate knowledge of Chaucer or Shakespeare.

Shakespearian critics of the early part of the century, within an overall strategy of looking at how Shakespeare is mediated and processed to us.

Within the immense space which stretches between Dogberry or Launcelot Gobbo and Imogen or Cordelia, lies the Shakespearian world.

Hal is short for Harry, as all Shakespearian devotees know, and the C.

While in no degree Shakespearian echoes, there are epithalamia and dirges of his that might properly have fallen from the lips of Posthumus in "Cymbeline.

This is the true Shakespearian wood -- but it is not the wood of Shakespeare's time, which did not know itself to be Shakespearian, and therefore felt no need to keep up appearances.