n. (obsolete spelling of shadow English)
Usage examples of "shadowe".
But when as daies faire shinie-beame, yclowdedWith fearefull shadowes of deformed night,Warn'd man and beast in quiet rest be shrowded,Bold Radigund with sound of trumpe on hight,Causd all her people to surcease from fight,And gathering them vnto her citties gate,Made them all enter in before her sight,And all the wounded, and the weake in state,To be conuayed in, ere she would once retrate.
All suddenly dim woxe the dampish ayre,And griesly shadowes couered heauen bright,That now with thousand starres was decked fayre.
The which O pardon me thus to enfoldIn couert vele, and wrap in shadowes light,That feeble eyes your glory may behold,Which else could not endure those beames bright,But would be dazled with exceeding light.