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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Shack up

Shack up \Shack" up`\, v. i.

  1. to live together in a sexual relationship, without being legally married. [Slang, U. S.]

  2. to live in a cabin, shack, or other crude dwelling.

shack up

vb. (context idiomatic pejorative English) To live together, especially of an unmarried couple.

shack up

v. room or live together; usually said of people who are not married and live together as a couple [syn: cohabit]

Usage examples of "shack up".

He wanted to drive the car a hundred miles to someplace where he was not known, shack up with a sexy lady and a lot of booze, and end it that way--with a bang (he chuckled miserably) instead of all these sackfuls of whimpers he carried around night and day.

In her small, ugly clapboard shack up the Nuuanu, Hong Kong's grandmother, then ninety-six years old, listened appalled as one of her great-granddaughters read aloud the account of Hong Kong's oratory.

She also knew that it was nothing short of scandalous for a small-town schoolteacher to shack up with the local black sheep, and that was exactly how the townspeople would view the situation if they knew about it.

I know where the winos shack up out in the Marshes and where the pulp roads go.

Sergeant Galloway and the blond lady in the station wagon were going to shack up in the Essex House.

As the small group of young black men walked single file along the forest path, a burly nineteen-year-old Negro named Sebbie called to Tim at the front of the line, 'How's your Ma putting up with fancy pants Alphonse St Cloude since Miss Chloe high-tailed it to Dragonard Hill to shack up with Master Peter?