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sexual frustration

n. A state of agitation felt by an individual whose sexual satisfaction is considerably less than desired.

Sexual frustration

Sexual frustration in humans is frustration caused by a discrepancy between a person's desired and achieved sexual activity. It can be a result of obtaining less sex than desired, or of not being satisfied during sex (which may be due to issues such as anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, or erectile dysfunction).

Usage examples of "sexual frustration".

Steve woke early and lay in bed, feeling the fatigue that still weighted his body, as well as the sexual frustration that had been plaguing him for several weeks.

Boredom and sexual frustration also played their part in the psychology of the temperance crusader.

Therefore it had something in which to think, aside from its sexual frustration.

When Ford was off on a dig and she hadn't been able to join him, she had been tormented by sexual frustration until he returned.

His sexual frustration that must be every bit as bad or worse than her own.

If he hadn't been experiencing an uncomfortable twist of sexual frustration, he might have laughed aloud at the combination of suspicion and derision in her eyes.

But again, his sexual frustration leads him to torment and despise her.

To him, boredom was a greater evil than hunger or sexual frustration, for boredom signaled the waste of a mind.

There must be sexual frustration (though society provides as well as it can against it.

He may commit his first rape because he is tormented by sexual frustration.

The internal sources are poor diet, little exercise, physical strain on the body, rushing or being unable to adjust to the pace of others, experiencing conflict or taking things too seriously, sexual frustration, finding little meaning in life, nervous symptoms, and taking no time for yourself.

Or did he just want an excuse to make love to her again, an outlet for six months of sexual frustration?