n. One's desire#Noun to engage in sexual practices.
Usage examples of "sexual appetite".
He tempered both his sexual appetite and his steely strength, reining them in with the icy power of his intellect.
To go out for a few hours' leave without securing the prescribed issue of three condoms in a package would have been to confess to dread of sex with an unknown woman, of having no demanding sexual appetite or -- and this would have been the subject of hilarity among the rougher men -- fidelity to the wife or the girlfriend at home.
His sexual appetite seemed insatiable, and she was as ready as he was.
How had a Templar, supposedly a religious man, become a man as renowned for his sexual appetite as he was for his skill with a claymore?
The need to claim his mate rose sharply, more intense than any sexual appetite.
He lifted her hips, dragged her to him, allowing his sexual appetite to increase.
They dreamed of being raped, and loving it, being freed from any responsibility of the sin of sexual appetite, so they could enjoy it without guilt.
He had consumed more than a bottle of black rum and wanted a paid woman to please him, his sexual appetite having been made more keen by the confusion in his life.
With her hearty sexual appetite she had experienced almost everything else, including partners of her own sex, although those had been unsuccessful experiments long ago put behind her.
Fortunately, even in her periods of utmost receptivity, Helen's sexual appetite was modest, and I did not have to overextend myself to give her her fill.
This was in part because Monday's sexual appetite was significantly depleted after his liaison in the Kwem Palace, and he set a far less hectic pace than he had hitherto, but more particularly because Gentle's enthusiasm for cartography grew by leaps and bounds.
It was an admission of nothing less than an all-consuming sexual appetite.