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sex lives

n. (sex life English)

Sex Lives

Sex Lives is an adult roommate reality series that aired on Playboy TV. It revolved around the experiences of six female strangers forced to live together and endure erotic challenges in Miami, Florida.

Usage examples of "sex lives".

If patients knew how much their insurance companies knew about their personal lives--their spouses and children, their sex lives, their finances, everything really--and how all this data was just lying there on big computers available to millions of great Americans, would they allow it?

From a biological standpoint, our sex lives are exceedingly dreary.

After six years in Fleet 397 Street, Janey was virtually unshockable and during dinner on the Friday she arrived, kept both Rupert and Billy in stitches, providing wildly inaccurate low-down on the sex lives of leading public figures.

A cry of 'Don't try to legislate our sex lives' was widely taken up.

Without being so bold as to condone premarital sex, and without being so naive as to think you're all chaste angels, I will give you this bit of advice about your sex lives.

Observe the ugly mess which most men make of their sex lives—.

Okay, occasionally you'd be exposed to some deadly anthrax spores, but at least other people's sex lives stay in the bedroom and the tabloids where they belong.

How, she wondered, did these people manage their sex lives, anyway?

Or maybe they are in such a sexual rut they're thinking, 'There's a whole other world out there,' and hoping for vicarious thrills by getting us to tell them the roller-coaster details of our sex lives.