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sewer system

n. facility consisting of a system of sewers for carrying off liquid and solid sewage [syn: sewage system, sewage works]

Usage examples of "sewer system".

During the Depression the WPA put in a whole secondary drain system and a tertiary sewer system.

You're going to let the primeval Boston sewer system do it for you.

He'd been awakened from a sound sleep and ordered to make his way to his office to locate the blueprints of the storm sewer system.

And these had grown and reproduced, had fed off rats and sewage, so that now they moved big, blind, albino, all over the sewer system.

At the far side of the collector on a broad stone platform was the end of the syphon, a long pipe that drew water from one end of the sewer system to the other.

After a brief council of war we decided to retreat to the lowest level of the Hilton, which was an underground sewer system.

Second, prosecutors could block most new construction while the sewer system is being rebuilt.

Trina led Dash deep into the sewer system until they reached a confluenceof two large pipes entering a third, with two smaller-though bigenough for a person to crab-walk through-emptying into the large circularcavern, This was Five Points.