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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Severalty \Sev"er*al*ty\, n. A state of separation from the rest, or from all others; a holding by individual right.

Forests which had never been owned in severalty.

Estate in severalty (Law), an estate which the tenant holds in his own right, without being joined in interest with any other person; -- distinguished from joint tenancy, coparcenary, and common.


n. (context legal English) the sole holding of property by someone.


n. the state of being several and distinct [syn: discreteness, distinctness, separateness]

Usage examples of "severalty".

Can you blame usthat is, can you blame the Severalty Frontfor being afraid that this will be stolen from us as well?

I take it that your appearance here is as part of an official mission to the Severalty Front?

She also had to wonder what he had been doing at the headquarters of the Severalty Front.

Starfleet, Kira, I could hardly have expected you to be jumping up and down with joy at the prospect of the Severalty Front setting its program into effect.

Fortunately for yourself, you present no threat to the plans of the Severalty Front.

The Severalty Front led by General Aur has taken complete control of the planet.

It seems that she had private meetings with various members of the Severalty Front, including General Aur, immediately before the coup.

Not the Federation, but something else, something that General Aur and the rest of the Severalty Front were busy conjuring up.

While in the Bajoran capital, you were observed meeting with key members of the Severalty Front.

General Aur and the other leaders of the Severalty Front all risked their lives fighting in the resistance against the Cardassians.

I can lightly dismiss, eithersome elements of the Severalty Front may actually be traitors to the cause of Bajoran independence.

Major Kirashe knows the individuals in the Severalty Front better than any of us could hope to.

Sisko recognized the leader of the Severalty Front, and now the new Bajoran government, from the briefing files he had scanned on the computer panel.

General Aur and the Severalty Front took the first part of that away from herand then you removed the rest.

The most satisfying had been the word received from Bajor, of the collapse of the Severalty Front and the reestablishment of the previous provisional government.