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setting up

vb. (present participle of set up English)

Usage examples of "setting up".

They went hungry for a long time setting up these new agricultures, foraging also up on the surface when they had to, in the scraps of the humans, to make ends meet.

The caballeros say they do not want to have hidalgos setting up in opposition to them, particularly squire hidalgos who polish their own shoes and darn their black stockings with green silk.

Find a way of talking about the deal and setting up parameters that will keep either of you from getting locked into an impossible position.

And there was, of course, the time spent breaking camp in the morning and setting up camp in the evening.

I need friends in the trade, friends who'd tell me when somebody's setting up to cheat me or hurt me.

Please do not delay in setting up an appointment for these vitally important procedures.

We were thus placed in the most imminent danger, as this gigantic creature, setting up its back, raised the ship three feet at least out of the water.

After setting up a successful law practice in Springfield, the state capital, he served a term (1847-49) in the U.