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setting apart

vb. (present participle of set apart English)

Setting apart

Setting apart is an ordinance or ritual in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints whereby a person is formally chosen and blessed to carry out a specific calling or responsibility in the church.

Once a person has accepted the responsibility of holding a calling in the church and has been accepted by the members of the church for that position, one or more Melchizedek priesthood holders "set apart" the person to serve in that calling. The priesthood holders accomplish this by giving the person a priesthood blessing by the laying on of hands. If the recipient is being set apart as a president of a priesthood quorum, including a stake president or a bishop, "priesthood keys" are also conferred upon them.

Generally, only general authorities and local leaders of stakes, wards, missions, districts, and branches may set apart a member to serve in a position. When a person is released from serving in a calling, there is no ordinance comparable to setting apart that is used to signify the end of a person's service.

Setting apart is a distinct ordinance from priesthood ordination. A person is ordained to a specific priesthood office, such as apostle, elder, high priest or deacon, but a person is set apart to callings such as counselor in the First Presidency, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, stake president, temple president, mission president, high councilor, high priest group leader, or member of a quorum presidency or auxiliary organization presidency (such as for Relief Society or Sunday School). A bishop must be ordained to the priesthood offices of high priest and bishop and set apart as the bishop of a specific congregation.

Usage examples of "setting apart".

Flanked by Arilan and Duncan, Cardiel waited for the canopy to move into position, setting apart the place where the marriage rite would be performed.

But why did they continue to look like wires, setting apart the squares of floor, each with its silent, grieving occupant.

It is a way of setting apart the false Green Riders from the real Green Riders.

For example space does not just mean the void between the stars but a gap, a distance, a setting apart.