- Fourth man's namesakes
- Horologist Thomas et al.
- Thomas et al.
- Actors Green and Rogen
- Thomas and Green
- Meyers and Rogen
- Adam's son and others
- Thomas et al
- Thomas and others
- Revolutionary hero Warner et al
- Football players McKinney and Joyner
- Clock maker Thomas et al
- Boyden and Thomas
- Biblical namesakes
- Adam’s third son, and others
- Adam's third son and clockmaker Thomas
- Actors Rogen and Green
- Actor Green and clockmaker Thomas
- Clockmaker Thomas et al.
- Namesakes of a son of Adam
- N.F.L.'s Joyner and others
- Biblical brother and namesakes
- Actor Green and others
- Major Adams of "Wagon Train" and others
- Political reformer Low and others
- Clockmaker Thomas and others
- Linebacker Joyner and others
- Green and Rogen of comedies
- Actor Rogen and others
- Rogen and MacFarlane
- Rogen and Green
- Rogen and Meyers
- Low and Thomas
- Thomas and Warner
- Thomas namesakes
- Adam's third son et al.