Crossword clues for serranos
n. (plural of serrano English)
Serranos is a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais in the Southeast region of Brazil.
Usage examples of "serranos".
But how do we know that the Serranos weren't involved in the massacre of their patron Family?
From Davor, now a third-year at the Academy, to Gossin—her nose wrinkled at the thought of trying to work with Gossin, who was one of the rare light-skinned Serranos (though that was only the most obvious of her problems)—the list included nineteen—no, seventeen, because Heris's parents had just retired.
Service records, leave records, slim volumes of verse by Serranos who thought themselves poets .
And their loyal guards and protectors, the brave Serranos, watched the sky above them, and kept their ships safe from piracy.
And the Serranos have always had the reputation for neutrality in the Familias.
He was sure he could enlist the senior Serranos to aid in bending the restrictions about Landbrides.
A family Serranos had served beside as far back as the wet-navy days of Old Earth.
Would you have Serranos unravel Fleet, and possibly the Familias as well, to seek vengeance for ancient wrongs?
Not only Serranos had been here, and Esmay wondered how they were all going to get where they were going.
Only all the Serranos were there, it seemed like, and his grandmother—Admiral Vida—came out with a story about my family's history .
We Serranos didn't pick up as many stars as other families—Conselline's never favored Serranos—but there are at least five and perhaps as many as eight.
He was fairly sure he wasn't one of the female Serranos, but which one of the men .
Cecelia suggested, nodding toward the tableful of Serranos, where Esmay was snugged up against Barin, and Brun was talking earnestly to Vida.
The Serranos were Fleet royalty, one of the fourteen private military forces that had combined into the Regular Space Service of the Familias Regnant.
From Davor, now a third-year at the Academy, to Gossinher nose wrinkled at the thought of trying to work with Gossin, who was one of the rare light-skinned Serranos (though that was only the most obvious of her problems)the list included nineteenno, seventeen, because Heris's parents had just retired.