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Serlo or Sarlo ( French Serlon, Italian Serlone) is a Norman masculine given name, and may refer to:

  • Serlo I of Hauteville (fl. 11th century), son of Tancred of Hauteville
  • Serlo II of Hauteville, son and namesake of Serlo I
  • Serlo (priest), inaugural dean of Exeter
  • Serlo de Burci, Norman who became a landowner in south-west England after the Norman conquest
  • Serlo (bishop of Sées)
  • Serlo of Wilton, English poet
  • Serlo (abbot of Gloucester) (d. 1104) abbot of Gloucester Abbey
  • Serlo (abbot of Cirencester) (d. c. 1148) abbot of Cirencester Abbey
Serlo (priest)

Serlo was Dean of Exeter between 1225 and 1231. He is buried at Exeter Cathedral. Previously he had been Rector of Colaton Raleigh.

Serlo (bishop of Sées)

Serlo (died 27 October 1123) was the Bishop of Sées from 1091 until his death, and a supporter of the Gregorian reform of the clergy.

According to Orderic Vitalis, Serlo was "the first of the Normans to offer his services to the king", that is, Henry I of England, after the latter's invasion of the Duchy of Normandy in 1105. Earlier that year the church of Tournai-sur-Dive in Serlo's diocese had been burned by Robert de Bellême, and forty-five men and women had died inside. Serlo, who had also crossed to Normandy from England, where he had been in exile, met Henry on Easter eve in the village of Carentan, where he found the church stocked with the possessions of the peasants, who were safeguarding them from the general disorder then wracking the Cotentin. Serlo made this the basis for an appeal to Henry (probably staged) to come to the defence of the people and the Church and depose his brother, the Duke of Normandy, Robert Curthose. This challenge accepted, Serlo continued to berate the king and his nobles for their effeminate manners and dress, especially their long hair, which Serlo himself promptly cut. The first to undergo the shearing were the king and Robert de Meulan. While the lengthy speeches of Serlo are more the invention of Orderic than history, they represent a faithful record of the principles and prejudices of the high clergy of the time: staunchly royalist, stressing the analogy of the body politic.

Serlo died on 27 October 1123 in Sées, in the presence of the papal legates Pietro Pierleoni and Gregory of Sant'Angelo. Again according to Orderic, Serlo bade his clergy to respect the legation as one from the "universal father after God" (post Deum uniuersalis pater) and to treat them properly as masters.

Serlo (abbot of Gloucester)

Serlo (died 1104) was a medieval abbot of Gloucester Abbey.

Serlo was a native of Normandy and became a canon at Avranches Cathedral. He then became a monk at Mont Saint-Michel, around 1067. In 1072 he became abbot of Gloucester Abbey, having been suggested for the office by Osmund. Serlo served as abbot until his death in 1104 after holding office for 33 years.

Serlo was present at King William II of England's Christmas court in 1093 which was held at Gloucester. In 1096 Serlo secured from the king a confirmation of a number of gifts to the monastery as well as the return of lands to the monastic demesne that had been held by the archbishops of York. In Orderic Vitalis' account of the death of William II, one of the monks of Gloucester had a vision that the king was going to die because God was punishing him for the royal treatment of the church. Serlo is said to have sent a knight with a letter detailing this vision to the king, which reached him just prior to the king beginning his hunting party which ended in his death on 2 August 1100. Orderic relates that on receiving the message from Serlo, the king mocked the message and rode off to his death. It is unclear if this story is actually true. Historian Emma Mason points out that if there was a plot to kill the king, it was possible that rumours of the plot were heard at Gloucester. Serlo may have hoped to ingratiate himself with the king by warning him. The fact that any correspondence does not survive is not conclusive, as correspondence of this sort was routinely destroyed after receipt. But it is also possible that Orderic made up the story for dramatic effect.

During his time in office he rebuilt the abbey's church, which had been destroyed in the rebellion of 1088. This was a large, complex building and has been called "one of the most ambitious churches built in post-Conquest England". The new church was dedicated in 1100 but burnt along with the city of Gloucester in 1102. He also revitalized the devotional life of the monastery. In his old age he made the abbey's cellarer, Odo, a coadjunct abbot.

Serlo (abbot of Cirencester)

Serlo (died c. 1148) was a medieval abbot of Cirencester Abbey in England as well as Dean of Salisbury.

Serlo was a canon of Salisbury Cathedral. He was a native Englishman, the son of a blacksmith named Sired. His mother was named Leoflæd. He and his mother owned land in Gloucester, which the two of them sold to Gloucester Abbey in 1129. Serlo also had a son named Bartholomew, who consented to the sale in 1129.

Prior to becoming abbot he was dean of the cathedral chapter at Salisbury, appearing in documents twice as that official – once around 1116 and once in 1121. He resigned that office to become a canon at Merton Priory, where he was named in 1125 as previously dean at Salisbury. Serlo probably moved to Merton to keep an eye on the interests of Roger of Salisbury, the Bishop of Salisbury, who was instrumental in securing royal grants of privileges for the newly founded Augustinian house.

Serlo was appointed as abbot of the Augustinian house of Cirencester in 1131, which had been refounded in 1117 by King Henry I of England. Serlo was the first abbot of the newly refounded house. While abbot, Serlo secured the grant of the lands of Regenbald, a chaplain of King Edward the Confessor, to his abbey in 1133. The grant may possibly have been partly because of the efforts of Roger of Salisbury, who had a life interest in Regenbald's properties. He died on 30 January, in either 1147, 1148 or 1149. His death was remembered at Salisbury on 30 January, where he was listed as "Serlo decanus Sarum et postea abbas Cirencestriae", or "Serlo, dean of Salisbury and afterwards abbot of Cirencester". It is not clear if Roger of Salisbury acted as a patron to Serlo's career, but the historian A. F. Wareham thinks this is likely.