The Collaborative International Dictionary
Sequential \Se*quen"tial\, a. Succeeding or following in order. -- Se*quen"tial*ly, adv.
adv. In sequence, in order.
adv. in a consecutive manner; "we numbered the papers consecutively" [syn: consecutive]
Usage examples of "sequentially".
It is an empirical fact that the listener to music can perceive chords as groups of notes played simultaneously, but can also perceive chords as groups of notes played sequentially.
It may be that the response to sequential notes is what actually matters and requires explanation in an evolutionary framework, and that the response to simultaneous notes is an accidental side-effect of the ability to respond to notes of a chord sequentially.
Rappaport thought to himself that, just possibly, Swanson had not lied to the judge and had not copied, in a circle, one single tape, but had used sequentially the tapes that resulted from those many months of recording cosmic radiation.
Between mouthfuls of cheeseburger and gulps of Dr. Pepper, he kept the dialectic going, moving sequentially from topic to topic, attacking each one as if it were an enemy to be vanquished.
From the ID numbers in the lower left corner of the picture, he knew that these were successive NRO photographs being flashed together sequentially, flipbook style.
Carefully, methodically, Justin activated his multiple-targeting lock and sequentially locked onto all the mojos in the vehicle.
And there were lights, bursts of primary colour, flashing sequentially.
But those who recall the cauliflower-shaped clouds of dust, smoke and ash ejected into the upper atmosphere by the eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980 will appreciate that a large number of such explosions (occurring sequentially over a sustained period at different points around the globe) would not only have had devastating local effects but would have caused a severe deterioration in the world’.
Ellie ignored random access and advanced sequentially through the television stations.